How to sanitize when house moving?
Implementing the correct disinfection methods and preventive measures with popular knowledge of epidemic prevention can prevent infection.
Moving during a pandemic can present unforeseen challenges. Thankfully, we don’t need to put all our household items in a UV tunnel or spray a lot of disinfectant to do a good job of epidemic prevention and control. Implementing the correct disinfection methods and preventive measures of popular knowledge of epidemic prevention can prevent virus infection.

Medical institutions around the world, as well as the World Health Organization, have found that the spread of the novel coronavirus occurs through close contact with an infected person – through respiratory droplets or smaller aerosols, through coughing, sneezing, vigorous breathing, talking Or infect others while singing. However, viruses tend to live or remain active on surfaces for hours or even days (depending on the type of panel material). Therefore, when there are suspected/confirmed cases at home, special attention should be paid to cleaning the home environment and maintaining ventilation. Routine cleaning is to remove dust, dirt and infectious agents from objects or environments, while disinfection requires the use of chemicals (disinfectants) to destroy, inactivate or reduce the concentration of pathogens. Thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the entire house when moving can greatly reduce the risk of virus transmission.
Here are some simple, practical tips on how to sanitize your belongings during the moving process.
Clean properly
For household disinfection and cleaning, it is important to choose the right cleaning supplies and disinfectants. The choice of disinfectant should take into account the removal of target microorganisms, recommended concentrations and contact times, compatibility of the chemical disinfectant with the surface to be treated, toxicity, ease of use and stability of the product.

The daily cleaning of the room should be done well, and the items contaminated by secretions or frequently touched items should be disinfected. Tables, chairs, door handles, etc. can be disinfected with 500mg/L chlorine (bromine) disinfectant (5% 84 disinfectant diluted 1:99 with water) or 1% hydrogen peroxide disinfectant wipes. Chlorine (bromine) disinfectants should be prepared and used according to the instructions; gloves should be worn during disinfection operations. Thermometers, mobile phones, etc. can be wiped and disinfected with 75% medical alcohol cotton balls.
The EPA has a “List N” of disinfectants that can be used to fight the novel coronavirus. If you don’t have access to these cleaning products, you can use medical alcohol or a diluted bleach solution as a household disinfectant.
Identify frequently touched surfaces first and clean them
Frequently touched surfaces should be identified for priority disinfection. These include door and window handles, kitchen and food preparation areas, countertops, touch surfaces in bathrooms, toilets and faucets, touch screens for electronic devices, computer keyboards and work surfaces. Disinfectants and their concentrations should be chosen carefully so as not to damage their surfaces and to minimize or minimize the impact of contamination on household members or users. It is recommended that these areas be disinfected first, followed by household cleaning.

Protect yourself and others
In order to prevent the spread of the virus, it is recommended to wash your hands correctly according to the “seven-step handwashing method” with hand sanitizer or soap and running water, because this can greatly reduce a variety of bacteria and chemicals on your hands. If you cannot wash your hands immediately, use hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, etc. to clean your hands to maintain hygiene. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or food with your hands until you have thoroughly cleaned your hands. Hand sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol (often listed on the label as ethanol, isopropanol, or 2-propanol) to be effective against the novel coronavirus.
Keep hand sanitizer or soap handy when you move, as you’ll want your family and movers to wash their hands frequently. If the moving situation does not allow you to wash your hands, try to touch as few public items as possible and use hand sanitizer.
Erase trouble
2019-nCoV is a type of virus with an envelope, which is easier to kill by disinfectants than non-enveloped viruses such as rotavirus, norovirus and poliovirus. The study found that the new coronavirus can survive for 24 hours on cardboard and up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel. The novel coronavirus can also survive a wide range of pH values and ambient temperatures, but is easily destroyed by heat and standard disinfection methods.
Therefore, it is recommended to use disinfectant wipes to clean the packing carton and plastic wrap when moving. This will kill the virus on the surface, and it will be safer for everyone to handle afterwards. Don’t forget to wash your hands immediately after cleaning to stay hygienic.

Keep the door open
In addition to droplet transmission, contact transmission is also an important way of spreading the new coronavirus. If you do not wash your hands properly after touching an object contaminated with the virus, and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you are likely to be infected. So avoiding touching public objects can avoid the virus. Since movers frequently move cartons and furniture in and out of rooms, keeping doors open while moving will prevent transmission from high-touch surfaces such as handles and doors, as well as keep the premises ventilated.
Frequent hand washing with running water and hand sanitizer, wearing a mask at all times, and wiping and disinfecting your belongings with a suitable sanitizer will keep you safe when moving. Before deciding which moving company to use, it is recommended to carefully check the company’s prevention and control measures for the moving process in response to the epidemic, and check the arrangements for the movers to undergo body temperature testing and nucleic acid testing. It is also important to ensure that the moving team maintains good hygiene and washes their hands frequently on moving day.
Take personal protection, keep social distance from others and maintain personal hygiene, and don’t forget to prevent the spread of the virus when moving. If you have questions about your upcoming move, please call us on +86 21 6250 8820 or get a free quote.
By Move Move Movers