Moving Checklist: What to Do When Moving Houses in 2022

6 1 月 by Move Move Mover

Moving Checklist: What to Do When Moving Houses in 2022

You’re about to relocate, so you’ll need to get your affairs in order. The issue is that you don’t know where or how to begin! You’ll want to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything important, so we’ve put together a handy little checklist to assist you.

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Before You Make Your Move

We assume you’ve already done your homework on the area you’ll be relocating to. You should have discussed the move with your children, if you have any, and decided whether or not to transfer schools. After all, you may not be able to relocate for months or years.

1. Look for a mover.

It would be less expensive to look for movers Singapore from your point of origin because it would cost less for them to pick you up and your belongings. You can also get recommendations from friends and family. Once you’ve made your decision, create a schedule and pay the necessary fees.

2. Create a budget.

Prices will vary depending on the services provided by the various movers. How much money are you willing to spend? If you’re relocating for work, check to see if your employer will cover your moving costs.

3. Prepare your belongings

If you aren’t paying for packers, you should begin packing as early as two months before your move. You can already start packing decorative items and items you won’t need for the next few months. You should also start using up any refrigerated foods that you believe will go bad during the move a few weeks before the move.

4. Inform your landlord

If you are renting, notify your landlord ahead of time so that they can find another tenant as soon as possible. You should also check your lease agreement to see if you are entitled to any refunds or if there are any fees associated with moving out.

5. Inform subscription and utility companies.

Keep track of all subscriptions and memberships sent to your previous address. Your utility, bank, and credit card companies should also be notified of your address change. If you’re relocating and a member of a local club or organization, you must decide whether or not to discontinue your membership. It’s also critical to ensure that the new house has power and running water.

During the House Moving (or a Week Before)

The relocation is ongoing, but it may take some time. It is determined by where you are relocating and how much you are bringing with you. There are a few things you’ll need to check while you’re moving as well.

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Singapore Movers

1. Find a babysitter or a pet sitter.

If you have small children and no one to care for them on the day of the move, hire a sitter. It will be safer for you, your children, your pets, and your movers if the children are kept away from the chaos.

2. Make an inventory

You may have taken an inventory when packing your belongings, but it is best if you take another inventory as your belongings are loaded onto the moving trucks. Purchase insurance or coverage for your valuables, but keep track of any items that have already been damaged. Movers Singapore can also provide you with a driver’s inventory so you know which boxes are loaded into which vehicles.

3. Take one last look around the house.

Return to the house for a final tour once you’ve received confirmation from the movers that everything has been packed. Check to see if you missed anything and look in places that are easy to overlook, such as inside washing machines, ovens, bathtubs, closets, drawers, and cabinets.

Following the Move

The first month in your new home will be spent unpacking boxes, cleaning, and redecorating. Don’t forget your essentials box, which contains everything you’ll need from the first day to the first week! Change your locks and keys, schedule maintenance checks, and become acquainted with local and city regulations.

Unpack your cleaning supplies box so you can start cleaning and making your new home comfortable for you and your family. If you don’t have the time, you could also consider hiring cleaning services.

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