Are you aware of theses additional charges when moving into a condo?
If you decide to buy or rent condominiums in Singapore, you must be aware of the current condo moving restrictions so that you won’t be shocked by the additional charges that you must pay when moving in and out of the condo. To reduce the congestion that occurs when moving from one condo to another, the condo management has established certain regulations.
There are many different types of additional charges in a house moving quotation, and our movers have experience moving in and out of condominiums in Singapore. In order to make it easier for tenants to plan their moves in and out of condos, we have compiled information on the additional charges you might incur when moving in and out of condos.
Read on to learn more about the various additional charges.
Additional charges
1) Lift padding
Lift padding is a customized padding designed for a particular lift, the building management owns them, and it comes from the lift provider when the lift was designed.
Some condos charge residents about $20 to $50 for use of lift padding, so customers approach the mover company for lift padding. Unfortunately, the lift padding is a customized item for a particular lift based on its size and hanging methods. Hence, moving companies are not able to provide lift padding.
Usually, the movers can put up the lift padding for full house moving customers. Some condos may prepare the lift to be padded before the moving commenced.
Some condos do not even have padding for their lift and expect contractors to prepare, which is impossible.
Condo that does not provide lift padding e.g.
- Chantilly Rise
- High Oak

2) Pushing charges
If there is no ground-level parking below your block, you will most likely face additional pushing charges.
There are various kind of pushing charges such as basement pushing, slope pushing and long pushing more than 100 meters.
Basement pushing
Most condo management companies only permit movers to enter through the basement and do not permit them to move around on the ground floor. Your stuff must be pushed by the movers all the way from the parking lot at ground level through the ramp’s slope to your lift bobby at either B1 or B2.
Here are some condos that requires basement pushing:
Pushing from Basement 1 e.g.
- Parc Olympia
- The Pearl
- Optima @ Tanah Merah
- d’Nest

Pushing from Basement 2 e.g.
- Sophia Hills
- Adam Park Condominium
- Bartley Ridge
- Silver Sea
Slope pushing
Some condos have a big and steep slope leading to your block, making it incredibly challenging for movers to push your furniture.
Condo with slope pushing e.g.
- The Centris
- Springvale
- The Cathay Residence
- Ascentia Sky
- The Ladyhill
Long pushing
A long pushing distance will be charged for lorry parking outside the condo or very far away from your block. Usually, distance more than 100 meters will be considered as long pushing.
Here are some examples of condo requiring long pushing:
- The Miltonia Residences
- Stratum
- One-North Residence
- High Park Residences
- Parc Botannia
3) Stone surface road
A nightmare for all movers because movers always use trolleys with wheels to push your items and the stone surface is so uneven that the trolley wheels become stuck when pushing.
Here are some examples of condo requiring pushing on stone surface road:
- Nineteen Shelford
- Pinewood Gardens
- One-North Residence
- The Maylea
4) Exchange of lifts
With a direct passenger lift, residents can easily access to their unit. However, the movers must exchange several times in the lifts, from the basement to ground level, then use fireman lift sometimes to eventually go up to your unit. Exchanging of lifts is very time consuming, hence there will be additional charges for it.
Here are some examples of condo requiring lift exchange:
- The Centris
- Parc Palais
- Bartley Residences
- Katong regency
- Watertown

5) Admin Fee
Some condo charges residents an admin fee for their house moving. The fee ranges from $20 to $200 in some extreme cases. Residents will have to pay their own management for the admin fee.
Here are some examples of condo that charges admin fee:
- D’Leedon in Bukit Timah (They charges $180+ to process your moving application after they changed management in 2021)
6) Extra Protection
Unlike renovation/construction companies who will always include floor overlay cost in their quotation which is common and necessary. Mover companies by default do not include these costs in your moving quotation as it’s seldom required. However, some condos require every contractor to lay up the floor and provide extra protection for the lift lobby area. This will bring residents additional costs to shoulder since additional manpower and resources are incurred on the mover side.
Here are some examples of condos that requires extra protection:
- Dakota Residences
- Pinewood Gardens
- The Morning Glory
Check with your condo management to make sure you won’t be surprised by all these last-minute extra costs on the day of your move.
By Xinyi @ Move Move Movers